« yeh!!! I found urs @ Heidi's Blog!!So I took a
deep breath, 1st I read ur profile, then ur post on 5th feb... What caught my eye was:«..and then an EXPECTATION...just like dating with someone...it keeps the passion of the first love...we go to be alone with our lover...it's this expectation that will open our hearts to listen to God and find Him...» 'Cause I've shared this w u, but the weeks before the prayer room started, God has been showing(through news letters f/friends, other stuff I listenned 2 in t web or read) that the bible,from beguinning 'till the end, is all'bout, Romance, This Sacred Romance ;].It starts with a relationship, and it ends also.As well He has showing me that I can be w Him, like my Most of All (that He is!), my Guy!So That is it!Life can never be separeted f/This Great LovE!1 hug, clara.»
Well I had to copy, paste this... it was something I had thought about posting, so here it is... I wrote it as a comment on a blog of new friend of mine.. she really cool and has been sharing her heart about God, prayer, experiences, dreams.. and I had the chance of being helping her at the 24-7 prayer room... so check this out and if you want to know more about what happened go to her blog http://shantipilgrim.blogspot.com/so you can understand the context or check out the internationational site about this prayer movement at http://www.24-7prayer.com/cm/.
27 fevereiro 2005
SHAre it
24 fevereiro 2005
“ Corações entregues a Deus destacam-se em relacionamentos.”
in BOMDIA _ aspec _ mail WARREN, Rick; Vida Com Propósitos; Ed. Vida“ Vai muitas vezes à casa do teu amigo,porque as ervas daninhas depressa tapam o caminho não pisado.”
in papelinho Tânia Pinheiro, Edda“ Não existe gente comum.Tu nunca falaste com 1 simples mortal.”
in BOMDIA _ aspec _ mail C.S. Lewis, Peso de Glória“ O mar nos espande, o mar nos une.Somos perto de 5 milhões fora do país.Trazemos a diversidade emigrante, 1 valor acrescentado da nossa herança comum.As nossas comunidades em todas as costas do mar realizam em concreto o Grande Legado Português:o espírito de aventura e de descoberta,o saber da convivência e da mestiçagem cultural,a prática da cooperação e do respeito pelo outro.Guardamos há 5 séculos o segredo deste entendimento. ”
in FRAGATA D.Fernando EXPO 98 - mar da palha
20 fevereiro 2005
A simple picture as this? Forget 'bout the fact it came from a pijama and that it really spoke to me some how...
Just read and think 'bout it; I think it's quite easy to get and may be even 2 discover new ideas from these simple verses [ I 'm trying hard 2 put u 2 think, 'cause sometime ago this words got truelly alive to me... I had never view some details on it before, 'till I read sentence by sentence, word by word]
And NO, I won't make a drawing, figure it out by your own brain!!!
"The Man named ... birds of the air, named the wild animals;but he didn't find a suitable companion.
21 God put the Man into a deep sleep. As he slept he removed one of his ribs and replaced it with flesh.
22 God then used the rib that he had taken from the Man to make Woman and presented her to the Man.
23 The Man said, "Finally!
Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh! Name her Woman for she was made from Man."
Genesis 2: 20 - 23Some WORDS:
to fit, to complete, to be part of
it takes time, it takes patient, it takes being shaped
to let it be
listenning to God
to recognize, to say : "- Ah! Ah!..."
it takes "old fashioned" ways also... good, pure and determined man!
Ah! & do not forget our time is diferent from God's time ;]
15 fevereiro 2005
my favorite pijama;]
Well I've been thinking of posting stuff 'bout a subject I really like, not just in "words" in daily life_action_ relationship(s); stuff I've read some where lately or written or talked 'bout w someone.Let's see how it will turn!?
People, frienDs, lives, GOD, after all is what life is all about!!!
...so I thought 2 start w this image that I scanned from my pijama sweat [ eh!:D , did u ever imagined a sweat talking to u?..], I like very it very much, I think it captures one the basics God has shown me some time ago about the 1st relationship on Hearth...and so on...so on;
so WorDs for What! Figure it @ ur own way..& by t WaY leave ur comments.
05 fevereiro 2005
These last days I've been finally getting to experience for the 1st time in such a long time, what really is to be in Your presence and in tune all day long.. since my early days I've been searching this intimaticy.. this jumping into Your Leap Father! And now since I had this great chance of being part of an event of prayer... but not the usual kind of one we've thaught.. the creative & really free one;]; I'm getting all most all pieces together in my life... it's just great how God works on our behalf when decide 2 put Him 1st & 2 be with Him just chatting w Him as we do with our friends!
Get to know Him better,get close every single day and You will get 2 know Yourself better.. You'll find Yourself!! So HaVE a GreAT DAy... and by the way CONGRATULATIONS/THANKS YOU GOD also for creating me!!!!What a GREAt IdEa!!!eheheheh
[happy birthday 2 me!!]