27 novembro 2008

THinkinG ON

Sunny Afternoon @ Parque da Cidade @ Barreiro

After sending my emails and checking out my new ones...deleting spam and trash emails...I feel my face burning out because of the sun...After all it's right in front of me, even though I have my my sun glasses on, I can feel my cheeks getting warm and warmer.
On my left there are some ducks, but for my surprise they are really calm, sleeping near by the "Lipton" yellow tables and chairs from the out side area of the cafe. It's funny because when I arrived they were all in the water singing along with their mom...lol...now they are cuddling so in their own feathers that it's hard to find their head...
Today it's a different day, I've been to School for an English / French breakfast, so I had the chance of being around my students just a little bit, as well with my colleagues...and it's funny how these simple things made me feel a lot much better and alive... This is really what I've been thinking about myself... I can't be much time on my own, I need to be with others, to take care of them and be taken care... to share and laugh with them ...
I know I can't always be in the same place or with the same person, because I'm like that..I need different things everyday...and School after all does gives me some part of this. I was not made to be alone even though sometimes I may need it [ like now ], I continuously need to ask advice and share about my stuff, my projects and ideas. None of us was made to be alone, the thing is that life make us "Lonely Rangers" because of work and the stressful life we live in these days.
Do not keep running in way you won't see the beautiful faces around you; don't be who you are not, slow down and take a second to see all the wonderful stuff God created to you to enjoy in this life - and man kind was the ultimate creation, so please take care...of your self and of others...
yours cLaRiTA.

P.S. Hey !!! Where did the ducks go? They are not in that place any longer...Oh I see... they are a bit further away because of the sun..they went searching for a shadow for the rest of their afternoon siesta ;).

more random pictures of Park da Cidade -> here & here
[the pictures are not mine...just found on the internet, so who does not live around can see some...]

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