16 dezembro 2004

my way

Yesterday I got a bit up set..
Well, in the other day also... uhm...
What's going on?
I had the chance alreday to rest after the openning of the exihibion.. now what? Was I like a mum of new born child getting :[ of having it now out of me?
More recently I got the chance of viewing lots of blogs, photos and moments of friends I've not been for a while whit...
Well, something was and is missing!!?uhmmm...
Today I fnished talking with my Most of All _ my God _ and I stayed in tune, then words began to flow...

"...being creative in your OWn wAy!
You can do it!

...you've finally having the time to rest, to organize,
having the time for playing, for being serious,
...the time of helping and being helped.
Having The time of your LiFe! "

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Peco muita desculpa por nao responder em ingles mas ando um bocadinho farto de falar em ingles e em italiano..por isso, vai em bom portugues..
Algo me diz que o teu sexto sentido e a tua consciencia te andam a querer dizer alguma coisa que tu ja sabes, mas para a qual ainda nao deste muita atencao, ou para para a qual nao queres dar muita atencao..
Ouve o teu coracao, sente a energia que te rodeia, ou entao, simplesmente, senta-te e tenta ouvir as pedras crescerem..talvez, num apice te recordes daquilo que te falta :)

Bem, agora que ja me armei em guru espiritual, vou deixar-te na paz do Big One..

Mirror Man
"The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom" ;)